Quattrocalici - Italy of Wines

History, Geography and Culture


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Italy of Wines – English Edition

All About Italian Wines, Region by Region

Italy of Wines is the ideal book to deepen one’s knowledge of Italian wine in all its regional expressions. The first part contains historical references on viticulture, soils, and the main grape varieties cultivated in Italy. Then, it delves into the details of each Italian region, exploring the local aspects of viticulture and oenology, the grape varieties cultivated there, and the most important wines produced in each region. The topic of Designations of Origin is treated in particular detail, accompanied by detailed maps for the DOCG and DOC of each wine-growing area within the individual regions. A reasoned index for grape varieties, wines, and denominations allows easy navigation through the content presented in the text. Italy of Wines is a comprehensive reference manual, providing everything one needs to know about Italian wine at their fingertips, designed for industry professionals and those studying to become one, as well as for wine lovers looking to deepen their knowledge of the territory.

Italy of Wines is an illustrated manual on Italian Oenography, which delves into the history and geography of viticulture and oenology in our country in detail.

Each Italian region is analyzed in detail, covering historical, geological, and oenographic aspects. Every DOCG and DOC denomination in each region is mentioned in the text, along with the grape varieties and wines produced there. Additionally, 140 indigenous grape varieties are illustrated and geolocated. Organoleptic descriptions are provided for over 110 regional wines of Italy. For each region, the context of gastronomy and typical local products that complement wine production is also explained.

Features of the book:

300 pages with full-color infographics

16.8×24 cm format (6.61 × 9.45 in)

Softcover 0.8 kg (1.76 lbs)


  1. The Origins of the Vine
  2. The Beginnings of Viticulture in Italy
  3. Wine in the Etruscan Age
  4. Wine in the Roman Age
  5. Wine in Middle Ages and Renaissance
  6. Wine in the Contemporary Age
  7. Grapes and Wines in the World
  8. The Vine and its Environment
  9. Vines and Wines in Italy
  10. The Most Important Wine Grapes in Italy
  11. Denominations of Origin in Italy (Historical Background, Wine Denominations of Origin,  The Quality Pyramid, The Estabilishment of a New Designation of Origin in Italy, How to Read Italian Wine Labels)
  12. The Italian Wine Regions (20 fully detailed sections with color maps, one for each Italian administrative region)
  13. Indexed Lists of Grape Varieties, Wines, and Denominations of Origin of Italian Wines

Italy of Wines – Quattrocalici

The Geography of Italian Wine is a complex subject, ranging from viticulture to oenology, integrating historical and cultural references from different territories within each region. In the planning of the book and in drafting the texts, we have tried as much as possible to make the panorama of Italian Viticulture clear, simple, and understandable. The biodiversity and the extension of viticulture across all areas of the national territory do not always make it easy to provide an organic and comprehensive treatment. Alongside this effort, there is a commitment to maintain the description of individual topics as rigorous as possible from a scientific perspective.

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The structure of the book

The initial, introductory part of the book begins with a historical overview of the origin of the vine and wine, leading to narrate the history of viticulture in Italy, from the time of the Etruscan and Phoenician eras to the present day. A specific section examines the characteristics of the Italian viticultural environment, with particular reference to the territory and soil morphology. The integration between environment and grape varieties has led to the definition of wine regions and, within them, the 77 DOCGs, 333 DOCs, and 128 IGTs that make up Italy’s oenological panorama. Each Italian region is described with a brief history of viticulture, the characteristics of the territory, the main indigenous grape varieties, and the regional wines produced there, the DOCG and DOC of the territory analyzed in detail, all to provide a complete and exhaustive overview of what there is to know and appreciate about Italian wine.

Illustrations and Infographics

In Italy of Wines, we have also strived to utilize graphical forms as much as possible, including drawings, infographics, and original maps by the author, acknowledging that drawings are more easily memorized than long and tedious texts. However, the text comes to aid in explaining those concepts that graphics might struggle to express, connecting all points as best as possible, without leaving gaps in the journey.

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The Author

Marcello Leder was born in Vicenza in 1962. He earned a Master Degree in Chemistry, followed by an AIS Sommelier diploma. He founded Quattrocalici in 2011 and he is the creator of the project and of the structure of the portal, and author of all of its content.

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